astra's little corner of the galaxy, under construction!

finally getting to fulfill my childhood dream of having one of those cute personal sites! :)

somewhere to post my art, writing, pixels, comics, something like some projects i didn't know how to execute, thinking i'd have to somehow mash them through instagram or tumblr (where they'd never reach their full potential)

the hope is to have something a little bit more self-contained rather than what i have on my social media, somewhere where i'm not really promoting anything, and not calling attention to it externally (no links to or from my social media accounts for now!).

just a little corner of the internet where i can have expression without the obsession over numbers, a mode of sharing the younger me would find more exciting - the younger me who spent her time pouring over sailor moon fansites, personal websites that shared little graphics and pixels, used oekakis for her first forays into digital art...the idea being i had no concept of "likes," "follows," etc. back then since social media wasn't as much of a thing, so i felt like nothing was a "failure" as long as i was happy with what i was creating.

although i like my art social media for the ways i can connect with fellow artists, i also think i feel stifled whenever i realize i haven't been posting as often as i "should" be, and there's also the aspect where i hope to make at least some income from my art, so not keeping up with creating art for social media feels like i'm not working hard enough at my "dream" or something like that? but i find much freedom in also doing things that i will never "monetize," so i think this site will also serve the purpose of balancing these two competing interests so i don't get engulfed in one or the other. something like...having two different modes of sharing should let me feel freer to create? also, i somewhat disliked being perceived, and i'd like a place where i'm more anonymous than my art socials, where i have tried to show more of the "artist behind the art." at any rate, there is no notifications for "likes" on a website, so at least i don't have to get the slight anxiety i feel when i realized someone i really look up to/know offline has seen my silly little doodles...and out of a broader context too, no doubt. it's one thing to show someone your entire corpus, organized as you'd prefer, to someone, and another to have them to quickly see a piece in isolation in a neverending feed, you know? plus, writing instagram captions employs a totally different way of thinking than when you write naturally/write what you normally would want to share about an art piece...

this will probably be a slow-moving endeavor though since i've only done very simple webpages and have a lot to learn, but i want to try to stick to this project and keep it updated as i think of new little fun things to add...i want it to be more than a simple portfolio page!